Home Online Business BPM Answers What a CRM Tool Does

BPM Answers What a CRM Tool Does


The modest and sophisticated interface of bpm’online can be the solution that you are looking for in the field of customer relationship management. It does more than just storing a bunch of customer information. The BPM systems combine all four core aspects of business – Sales, Marketing, Technical Support and Customer Service. If your goal is to improve your business processes, the bpm’online tool can definitely hack your way to growth.

Three Reasons to Fall in Love with bpm’online

System integration, marketing activities, sales performance, managing duplicate records are just some of the issues that you will have to deal with. The BPM systems do all of the work for you so you can put all your effort to the things that will matter most to your business. The tool will serve as your “eye” monitoring all the key measures that will tell if you are doing a good job or not. Imagine having the access to the information whenever you need it – this is beyond perfection.

Here are three reasons to fall in love with the bpm online tool:

  • Gives you the repeatable patterns of success – this is good not only for the sales team but for the entire business. If you can see the opportunities where your company has been successful, and you are able to replicate the same behavior over time, you are owning the success even before it happens.
  • Important tasks will never be forgotten – if your CRM tool is doing the job that it is supposed to be doing – all important tasks can be pre-determined. A very classic example is acting on a lead when it is “hot” or the customer is “ready” to buy. The BPM system can automate this by creating a trigger to send an alert to the sales rep once the customer reaches the sales-ready status.
  • Allows you and your team to prioritize – one sign of chaos in the workplace is when an employee is doing things in random order. Having a clear view of what needs to be completed and when this is due can dramatically increase the productivity in the workplace – especially the sales process.

Whether you like it or not – CRM software, like bpm online tool will eventually become the core of your business.

Is CRM Pricey?

CRM is every company’s most valuable asset https://www.superoffice.com/blog/4-reasons-why-your-crm-system-is-your-most-valuable-asset/, and we have all the reasons to believe this is the case 100% of the time. The next thing that we need to discuss is the price to pay for owning such a powerful tool. Apparently, many businesses will turn down good CRM software for the reason that it is too “pricey”. Well, it is not really “too pricey” if you will look at all the benefits that your business can get. When it comes to measuring the impact of CRM – price can be the factor, but should not be the “deciding factor”. Instead of looking at the price, look at the value this tool can offer.

The Unfair Advantage of CRM

Owning a CRM will give your company some unfair advantages:

  • User Engagement – this is customer retention at its finest. CRM will let you know how your customers are behaving, and you can offer them products and services out of their most recent interests as shown in the links or sites they access. Unconsciously, you are promoting familiarity and loyalty to your brand.
  • Improved Accountability – with CRM, you have the idea who is already in charge and who is not. There are times when a lead is still in the hands of marketing but at some point in the funnel – those leads will be turned over to sales. When the time comes – sales are now expected to act on those leads that will hopefully lead to successful conversion
  • Analytics – analytics is the new way to measure the unknown, and CRM tool does this seamlessly. Driving growth for your business will never be an issue if your data is available for stakeholders to analyze.

CRM creates a system – like the bpm online tool, it allows consistency, accessibility and professionalism. A well-planned integration defines your brand. This gives your customer an impression how ready your company is to sell your products or services. Without CRM, you cannot identify the exact building blocks that will help you succeed.

The CRM industry is a blooming industry, and since almost every company is transitioning to cloud-based technology, this is the right time to realize how an automation software like bpm’online can change the name of the game.