Home Small Business Do industries need Humidity Control Industrial systems?

Do industries need Humidity Control Industrial systems?

Industrial systems

Most companies face the greatest expense in keeping their warehouses at appropriate humidity levels and temperatures. In hot months, air conditioning helps to keep products at required temperatures, but it is expensive. The units of air conditioning also decrease the levels of humidity in the warehouse and this in turn reduces the food products or other storage items shelf life.

This is the reason some companies turn to affordable alternative humidity control industrial system. This is because it increases the humidity in the room by installing cooling tubes and thus the ambient temperature drops. The humidity power on using offers a cool experience and this is apparent in the theme parks that keep their patrols cool by making use of the misting systems. However, the downside of such humidification systems is that water is produced in excess and this may be dangerous in work environments. Much water can destroy the shelf products and also harm the equipment.

Humidification Applications

Controlling and yet adding humidity is a variety of humidity control industrial applications. Precisely, proper levels of humidity may be crucial to maintain production rate, quality, to ensure worker comfort and safety, besides avoiding the damaging buildup of static, and lots more. Each application has specialized issues and so finding a suitable humidification system is mandatory.

Need for humidity control applications

  • In manufacturing industry processes, different products are made and each needs a different production environment. The needs vary as a high-tech manufacturer wants to reduce static electricity, a woodworking unit wants to reduce distortion and maintain stable humidity, a medical manufacturer to control dust and so on, and there are myriad requirements during processes.
  • Paper industries with low level of humidity may experience increased static electricity connectivity and this causes paper breaks, jams and also fire. Thus, there is a need to prevent such problems by adding required humidity to the air.
  • In textile industries, low humidity results in stoppage. The static electricity is produced and this result in damage while spinning yarn and the weaving machines become brittle.
  • Hatchery industry also experience significant impact. Insufficient levels of humidity at the egg stage affect the density and shell strength and also the maturity and birth rates. The hatcheries have different processes and rooms in varying sizes that even the requirements of humidity vary.
  • Food and beverage industries also need proper humidity levels. Cheese aging requires 75°+ relative humidity range based on the fact the cheese is hard or soft rind. The process of aging is crucial to determine the aroma, flavor and texture. Even the food packaging process required maintenance of humidity levels so that the wraps or label inks do not stick to the end product.

Thus there is a need for humidity control industrial systems or applications as per each industry requirement so that each location stays monitored. There is a need for uniquely designed humidity control systems so that no shock and vibration is experienced; besides everything is intact and also in good condition.